Thursday, May 9, 2019

About Ontology Sharding

Ontology have announced interesting sharding technology. Sharding a way to provide blockchain scalability.
Sharding tecnology implies to have a distributed blockchain between shards. It’s give a capacy, speed, scale and other. The main current problem in sharding how to save consensus in blockchain that had devided between shards. If you undestend blockchain must be univocal it’s means that, in ideal, every operation must be verifeid by all nodes of blockhain independently and have a same result of verification, it’s have a real if all nodes can have a same blockhcain data. Imagine if nodes will recieve it’s blockchain with various data exacly it will lead to lack or wrong Consensus.
As you may see if we have a blockchain with shards it’s firstly create a no consensus event problem.
Ontology have provide strong solution with sharding.
To provide scalability Ontology have some methods to achieve.
Generalized it’s may to describe about as, to provide sharding Ontology have realised linearly scalable performance, atomic cross-shard transaction processing, uniformed incentive mechanism in all shards. OntologySharding have a actualy part of crypto technologies. Ontology applications can show efficiency of OntologySharding network.
Because sharding solve only some scalability problems Ontology also have working about over solutions such as Layer 2. 

Saturday, May 4, 2019


Overview To Aussie Digital
With Brick and Mortar Retail dying out “Take a look around the town” you’ll soon realise E-Commerce is becoming more and more attractive to retailers every day. The problem now is "Like the Greedy Landlord" the online E-Commerce providers “Ebay, Shopify and Amazon to name a few are also getting greedy. This is where Aussie Digital shines above the rest. The Aussie Digital Project has been designed to help, not hinder the growth of small to medium businesses online.

The Aussie Digital Ecosystem is based around a Digital Token. The Ecosystem includes an Amazon like store builder packed with powerful digital marketing tools and a B2B Trading Platform that integrates Social Media in unprecedented ways. Other services powered by blockchain technology have also been incorporated to speed up the flow of funds which in turn keeps costs down for the Retailer and Shopper alike.

The Aussie Digital Team and its Advisors come from a variety of different sectors including Importation, Exporting, Business Strategy, Business Development, Business Marketing, Business Banking, Digital Marketing, Social Media,TV Production, Interactive Design, HR Training, Trading Stocks & Currencies, Blockchain Analysts and Cryptocurrency experts.

They are a diverse group of like-minded people with different backgrounds, different educations and different cultures. All with the same goal.

Helping You!